Q: Do I need to book in advance?

A: In order to secure your place you need to book in advance online.

Q: how do i know what is coming up in the next session?

A: Click on the date of your session via this link: Click here

Q: How much is the activity?

A: The price is €30 for mother and daughter. There is a further extra charge of €5 for more than one child.

Q: How old does my daughter need to be? 

A: Your daughter/s needs to be between 7 - 12 years of age to attend our activities.

Q: Do you cater for food allergies?

A: Yes, in so far as possible. Please let us know of any allergies when booking your place.

Q: Can my daughter bring a friend?

A: Our activity aims to foster the relationship of mother and daughter by spending time and learning new skills together. For this reason, we recommend just mother and daughter/s.

Q: Do I need to bring anything?

A: Yes, you need to bring a tea towel and also an apron for yourself and your daughter/s. However everything else is catered for including all the ingredients and equipment.

Q: What happens if I need to cancel?

A: If you need to cancel, please let us know as soon as possible so we can offer the place to someone on the waiting list. As places are limited, payment will be forfeited if we are unable to fill the place.


A: Our activities are for just mother and daughter/s.